If you are ever arrested for a DUI in Washington, your first thought may be what penalties you face.
The penalties for drunk driving in Washington are severe. This is true even for a first-time DUI arrest. Here's an overview of Washington drunk driving penalties. (RCW 46.61.5055).
First-Time DUI Offense
If your blood alcohol level is below 0.15, you face the following penalties:
- Jail Time. You face a mandatory minimum 24-hour jail sentence. You could potentially go to jail for 364 days.
- Monetary Fine. You may be ordered to pay a fine between $350 to $5,000.
- License Suspension. You could lose your ability to drive for up to 90 days.
If your blood alcohol level is at or above 0.15:
- Jail Time. You face a mandatory minimum 48-hour jail sentence. You could potentially go to jail for 364 days.
- Monetary Fine. You may be ordered to pay a fine between $500 to $5,000.
- License Suspension. You could lose your ability to drive for up to one year.
One Prior DUI Offense
If your blood alcohol level is below 0.15, you face the following penalties:
- Jail Time. You face a mandatory minimum 30-day jail sentence. You could potentially go to jail for 364 days.
- Monetary Fine. You may be ordered to pay a fine between $500 to $5,000.
- License Suspension. You could lose your ability to drive for up to two years.
If your blood alcohol level is at or above 0.15:
- Jail Time. You face a mandatory minimum 45-day jail sentence. You could potentially go to jail for 364 days.
- Monetary Fine. You may be ordered to pay a fine between $750 to $5,000.
- License Suspension. You could lose your ability to drive for up to 900 days.
Two or Three Prior DUI Offenses
If your blood alcohol level is below 0.15, you face the following penalties:
- Jail Time. You face a mandatory minimum 90-day jail sentence. You could potentially go to jail for 364 days.
- Monetary Fine. You may be ordered to pay a fine between $1,000 to $5,000.
- License Suspension. You could lose your ability to drive for up to three years.
If your blood alcohol level is at or above 0.15:
- Jail Time. You face a mandatory minimum 120-day jail sentence. You could potentially go to jail for 364 days.
- Monetary Fine. You may be ordered to pay a fine between $1,500 to $5,000.
- License Suspension. You could lose your ability to drive for up to four years.
Four or More Prior DUI Offenses
Persistent drunk drivers who have four or more prior DUI offenses could potentially be charged with a class C felony charge. They face a possible five-year prison sentence for this charge.
If you are charged with a drunk driving offense in Washington, you should be aware of the severe penalties you face. As a result, you will want experienced legal counsel at your side when you defend charges. The attorneys at Wolff Criminal Defense have years of drunk driving defense experience and can help defend your rights. Don't hesitate to give us a call at 425-284-2000 to schedule your free consultation.
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