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Top 3 Factors That Determine Your Blood Alcohol Level

Posted by Aaron J. Wolff | Jan 05, 2014 | 0 Comments

The best defense against a DUI is obviously not drinking and driving. However, there may be situations where you will drive home after having a drink or two. As a result, one of the most frequently asked questions by individuals is how much is too much.

Unfortunately, there is no clear answer as to how many drinks will affect your ability to drive or put you over the 0.08 percent blood alcohol limit. The number of drinks that put you over the limit will vary depending upon the time of day and other factors. Some of the common factors that can influence your blood alcohol level include:

  • Weight. Generally, your blood alcohol level is a measure of the amount of alcohol in your system relative to the amount of water in your body. Therefore, larger individuals tend to retain more water and are usually able to consume more alcohol with less impact. Keep in mind that this is a very broad generalization and that some smaller individuals can consume more alcohol than someone much larger than them.
  • Types of Alcohol. Alcohol concentration varies among different types of drinks. For example, hard liquor like vodka and whiskey have a much higher percentage of alcohol than beer or wine. As a result, someone who takes a few shots of hard liquor may have a much higher blood alcohol concentration than someone who had the same number of beers.
  • Duration. Your body will process and dilute the alcohol that you consume. So the longer the time between your last drink and when you get in the car, the more opportunity your body has to process the alcohol. On the other hand, if you hop in the car immediately after a drink, your blood alcohol level will be much higher.

The above are just three common factors that affect your blood alcohol level. Remember that every individual is different and to learn more about your specific case, you will want to contact a King County DUI defense attorney. To discuss your case with an experienced attorney, schedule a consultation with an attorney at Wolff Criminal Defense by calling 425-284-2000.

About the Author

Aaron J. Wolff

A former DUI prosecutor, Aaron Wolff has over 18 years of experience in representing people accused of DUI and is recognized as one of the leading defense lawyers in Washington State. His relentless and passionate advocacy has lead to superb ratings and outstanding reviews from former clients.


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