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Olympia Man Arrested For DUI, Faces Child Endangerment Charges Too

Posted by Aaron J. Wolff | Jul 16, 2014 | 0 Comments

On Saturday night, an Olympia man was arrested for a DUI. Given what the police allegedly discovered in the man's car, he now faces child endangerment charges as well, reports The Olympian.

Police observed the 34-year-old driver nearly crashing into another vehicle while driving northbound on I-5 in Olympia. A Washington State Trooper made the traffic stop and soon noticed some of the typical signs of a drunk driver: watery eyes, bloodshot eyes, slurred speech, and a strong smell of alcohol coming from the driver's breath.

The trooper also observed something perhaps even more alarming -- that the driver had two young children in the car ages three and four. To make matters worse, one of the children was riding in a carseat that was not properly installed into the vehicle, creating a very dangerous situation for the child.

The driver was given and reportedly failed field sobriety tests and a roadside breath test. He registered a 0.231 blood alcohol level, nearly three times the legal limit of 0.08. The trooper also saw that the unidentified man had a prior drunk driving arrest, no driver's license, and warrants from his arrest from other counties.

He now faces a DUI charge, charge for driving without a license, and two counts of reckless child endangerment.

Contact a Seattle DUI Attorney

A DUI arrest and charge is often the tip of the iceberg of several other charges. In this case, authorities pulled over a man for erratic driving and subsequently charged him with drunk driving, child endangerment, and driving without a license. In other cases, authorities oftentimes also charge a drunk driver with driving without insurance, reckless driving, and other related charges.

To learn more about drunk driving charges and the penalties you face, talk to an experienced Seattle DUI attorney at Wolff Criminal Defense by calling 425-284-2000.

About the Author

Aaron J. Wolff

A former DUI prosecutor, Aaron Wolff has over 18 years of experience in representing people accused of DUI and is recognized as one of the leading defense lawyers in Washington State. His relentless and passionate advocacy has lead to superb ratings and outstanding reviews from former clients.


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