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Black Diamond Woman Arrested for Drunk Driving Twice in One Day

Posted by Aaron J. Wolff | Sep 21, 2013 | 0 Comments

A 58-year-old woman was arrested for a DUI. Hours after being released, she was arrested again for a DUI at the exact same place she was arrested the first time.

At 11:00 a.m. on Thursday, Laura Kelsch allegedly drove her car through the front of a Black Diamond gift store. Witnesses say Kelsch never hit the brakes as she crashed through the storefront at the Black Bear Outpost gift shop, reports King 5 News.

By the time police got to the scene, Kelsch had wandered over to the liquor store next store. She was given a field sobriety test which she failed. She was also given a Breathalyzer test and she reportedly registered almost three times the legal limit. Kelsch was apparently so drunk that some witnesses say that she acted as though she had suffered a stroke.

Kelsch was arrested and brought to a local jail. There was not enough room in the jail, so authorities impounded her car and gave her a ride home. However, about an hour after being arrested, Kelsch was rearrested again.

Police say that Kelsch took her husband's truck and drove right back to the same liquor store where she was initially arrested. Witnesses called the police and they determined that Kelsch was still drunk. But instead of releasing her, authorities booked Kelsch into the Issaquah Jail. A search of Kelsch's driving record did not reveal a history of drunk driving arrests in Washington.

A judge will now have an interesting decision of whether to treat Kelsch as a repeat drunk driver. On one hand, she was arrested twice in two separate instances of drunk driving. On the other hand, it appears that the arrests were related as Kelsch never sobered up after being released. The distinction of whether Kelsch is a repeat DUI offender is important as the penalties are much more severe for individuals with multiple DUI convictions.

If you have a question about a DUI in the Seattle or King County areas, it is important that you have an advocate on your side. Contact the DUI defense attorneys at Wolff Criminal Defense and learn about your options. Call us at 425-284-2000 to schedule a consultation.

About the Author

Aaron J. Wolff

A former DUI prosecutor, Aaron Wolff has over 18 years of experience in representing people accused of DUI and is recognized as one of the leading defense lawyers in Washington State. His relentless and passionate advocacy has lead to superb ratings and outstanding reviews from former clients.


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